
LordFinder‘s goal is to connect Lords – Men who are looking for servants – with lackeys – males (or females) who are looking for a Lord to serve. Cleaning a house or appartment, cooking, doing the laundry, running errands, giving a massage, whatever a Lord needs may be done by a lackey. Is that weird? No. Just natural. There has always been people enjoying serving others, and other people enjoying when someone works hard for their own comfort while they relax.

Principle: Lackeys propose, Lords dispose.
• You’re a servant? Post your service offer(s)!
• You’re a Lord? Browse the offers posted by lackeys.

Remember these basics: 18+, no money and no sex. Lord or servant, nobody here is supposed to ask for, or propose money. And for sex, there are plenty of platforms to connect you. Job posts which don’t observe these rules will be deleted.

Feel free to post several ads! For example if you’re on vacation somewhere, or propose two very different types of services that you don’t like mixing, etc.